Compensation Guidelines
A calling implies mutuality between those rostered people being called and the agency or congregation issuing the call. This mutuality means that congregations and other ministry sites are to live for the wellbeing of the rostered leaders that they call, and rostered leaders are to live for the wellbeing of the communities into which they are called, so that together we might live in Christ as mission-centers, with mission-centered congregations. We in turn get to participate in making Christ known in our lives together, making Christ known in our communities, and making Christ known in the world.
2025 & 2026 Compensation Guidelines
Compensation Guidelines – Rostered Minister
Compensation Guidelines – SAM
Compensation Spreadsheet for all worksheets (Housing Allowance, Parsonage and Deacons)
The Excel worksheet will open up in an online version of Microsoft Excel. Click the File Menu and select “Create a Copy” to download the file to your computer. Once you have saved the document to your computer, locate the file and open it.

Worksheet Tutorial
Compensation Guidelines Clinic
2023 & 2024 Compensation Guidelines
Compensation Guidelines – Rostered Minister