Prayer Retreat 2019
November 6-9, 2019
Montezuma Retreat Center
Montezuma, Ohio
Part 1. Wednesday, Nov. 6 from 5:00 PM through Friday, Nov. 8 at Noon.
How do we use scripture to become more aware of the elements God has given us to live out God’s mission as healthier people and live in healthier communities? We will dwell in the spiritual world of Jonah and learn about the different elements of earth, water, and wind that God uses to transform our lives. We will also have personal time for the spiritual practices of journaling, sacred reading, and creative art.
Part 2. Friday, Nov. 8 from 4:00 PM through Saturday, Nov. 9 at 3:00 PM
Who knew abiding in God’s word and practicing the spiritual life together could be so much fun! Join us as we dwell in Acts and learn about the other two spiritual elements of fire and space to empower us to become healthy spiritual leaders in our own communities. We will focus on the spiritual practices of healthy eating and meal planning and getting our bodies moving through prayer walking or yoga.
You can sign up for the whole retreat or you can pick one!
Presenters: Leadership from MICAH (Minnesota Institute of Contemplation and Healing)
- Daniel Wolpert, MDiv is a Presbyterian minister and cofounder of MICAH. In addition to leading retreats, teaching, and providing counseling and spiritual direction, Daniel has written several books on spiritual leadership which can be found on their website Daniel’s wife
- Debra Bell, MD will be joining us also this year. She is the co-founder of MICAH and board certified in family practice with 20 years in conventional medicine and complementary and alternative medicine.
- Trey Everett, MA is co-director of MICAH and leads retreats, provides spiritual direction, and is a contemplative artist providing graphic recording for our session together. Trey also has books, bulletin covers, and resources for the lectionary on their website.
Registration: Contact Trinity Lutheran Church, Wapakoneta Ohio for more information on how to register at Trinity Lutheran Church office 419-738-6547 (8:00 AM-1:00PM) or for more information about the retreat please contact Pastor Melodi Hagen
Retreat costs include meals, presentations, and your choice of a private room at Maria Stein Retreat center or a shared room at Montezuma Retreat Center. (All large group teachings, worship, and meals will be located at Montezuma).
Part 1: $212/person (Wed. 5:00 PM-Fri. noon)
Part 2: $106/person (Fri. 4:00 PM-Saturday 3:00 PM)
Both Parts: $318/person (Wed.5:00 PM-Sat. 3:00 PM)
Limited rooms and space available for the retreat so sign up as soon as possible.