Day of Prayer

Sign up for the 2nd Annual Synod “Day of Prayer” for all lay people and clergy

November 6, 2019

9:30 AM-2:30 PM
First Lutheran Church Tiffin, Ohio

300 Melmore St
Tiffin OH 44883

Cost: $15 (Lunch and Refreshments provided)

  • 9:30 AM – Registration
  • 10:00 AM – Interactive Service of Worship and Prayer
  • 11:00 AM – Presentation by Daniel Wolpert, Debra Bell, and Trey Everett from MICAH in Crookston, MN. How “Abiding” in God’s word in community helps us to lead healthier lives and transforms the community where we are called to serve. (See more information about MICAH below.)
  • Noon – Lunch and fellowship
  • 1:00-2:30 PM – Break out groups to learn and experience prayer practices to take back to your congregation

What is MICAH? MICAH stands for Minnesota Institute of Contemplation and Healing

Who is presenting? Daniel Wolpert, MDiv is a Presbyterian minister and cofounder of MICAH. In addition to leading retreats, teaching, and providing counseling and spiritual direction, Daniel has written several books on spiritual leadership which can be found on their website Daniel’s wife Debra Bell, MD will be joining us also this year. She is the co-founder of MICAH and board certified in family practice with 20 years in conventional medicine and complementary and alternative medicine. Trey Everett, MA is co-director of MICAH and leads retreats, provides spiritual direction, and is a contemplative artist providing graphic recording for our session together. Trey also has books, bulletin covers, and resources for the lectionary on their website.

Registration Deadline: Octoboer 31, 2019