Imagining Renewal Microgrants

“I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert,” Isaiah 43:19

2023 is the Year of Story, and some of the best stories from across Northwest Ohio have their genesis in the Imagining Renewal Microgrants initiative. Why are Microgrants so important?

Microgrants encourage God’s people to dream new dreams.
Microgrants seed mission and ministry beyond the four walls of our parishes.
Microgrants help us connect with what God is already up to in the community.

And as Deacon Carolyn Steinfeldt shares in the story below, Microgrants are nurturing communities as they come together to do ministry together!

The members of Zion have long supported and volunteered at the local feeding ministries of the Sandusky community, and were aware that many of the recipients of the food pantry were homeless or living in temporary housing with no food prep facilities.

We realized that even when food is available, it is of no value if it can’t be heated or prepared and that families, especially children, were going with little or no nourishment.

The NWO Synod Microgrant Zion received allowed for the purchase of 50+ crockpots to be distributed through Care & Share of Erie County to those who are in temporary housing in motels. Necessary cooking utensils, such as can openers, measuring cups and spoons, soap and a dish cloth were also included.

Local monetary donations for this ministry continue to come into Zion so that we are able to purchase more crockpots to be distributed through a local homeless shelter. When the residential families leave to establish their own homes, the facility sends them off with necessary supplies. They are excited to be able to add these crockpots to the other necessities provided.

Because of the initial microgrant, people were made aware of the need and this ministry continues to grow, with donations coming from not only the Zion community, but from others who have heard and want to contribute.

I invite you to come and enter the story and join Deacon Carolyn and myself by making a generous donation to Imagining Renewal Microgrants. Our goal is to raise $100,000 to fully fund new Microgrant initiatives. Together, we can and do make a difference in Christ’s name.

Tell the Story

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Fund for Leaders

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Small Drops of Hope

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“For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found!’ And they began to celebrate” (Luke 15:24). Prodigal Son Parable painting by Bertram Poole I love reading the Gospel of Luke chapter 15, which includes the Parable of the Lost Sheep (Luke...

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