The Office of the Bishop of the Northwestern Ohio Synod
Rev. Daniel BeaudoinWhat is a Bishop?
The Bishop of the Northwestern Ohio Synod is an ordained minister of word and sacrament responsible for preaching, teaching, and administering sacraments in accordance with the Confession of Faith of this church; holding primary responsibility for the ministry of word and sacraments in the synod; providing pastoral care and leadership for the synod; exercising the church’s power to ordain approved candidates to enter ministry; commissioning approved candidates for service to the synod; attesting letters of call; installing lay and rostered ministers of this synod; disciplining ministers as provided by the synod constitution; presiding over the Synod Assembly; being a voting member of the Churchwide Assembly; and overseeing and administering the work of this synod. The current elected Bishop of the Northwestern Ohio Synod is The Reverend Daniel Beaudoin.

Meet The Rev. Daniel Beaudoin
Bishop Daniel G. Beaudoin was elected May 21, 2016, to a six-year term as the bishop of the Northwestern Ohio Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). He was installed on July 23, 2016, at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, Bowling Green, Ohio.
Daniel is married to Rachel, and they are blessed with three children: Joshua, Elijah, and Hannah. 2 daughters-in-law: Michelle and Chelsie. They are smitten with their grandchildren: George, Homer and Evelyn.
Bishop Beaudoin served as the pastor of St. John’s Lutheran Church in Stony Ridge from 2004-2016. He served as the pastor of St. Peter’s Lutheran Church in Edon, Ohio, from 1996 to 2004. From 2013-2015, he served as the Dean of the North Central Conference.
Bishop Beaudoin earned a Bachelor of Arts in History from Oakland University in Rochester, Mich., a Master of Divinity from Trinity Lutheran Seminary in Columbus, Ohio, and a Master of Arts in Medieval History from the University of Toledo in Toledo, Ohio.
Bishop Beaudoin enjoys running with the Toledo Roadrunner’s Club, reading good books, studying Scripture, and eating Mediterranean food.
The “Bishop’s Writings” page is designed to create an area where someone can quickly navigate to the different resources and writings of Bishop Beaudoin.
You will find the following sections:
- Weekly Bishop Writings
- Bible Studies
- Email Communications
If you cannot find the resources you are looking for, contact info@nwos-elca.org for help.