2019 - Year of Prayer

Philippians 4:6 "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."

Save the Date

November 6, 2019

Second Annual Synod

“Day of Prayer”

Creative Prayer


Creative Prayer Retreats

Praying creatively through sacred reading, silence, and artful expression in community with other Christians who want to listen to God and one another.

Please look at the locations and dates below that work for you and your congregation leaders.

Contact the location contact person/place for more information.

All are welcome!

Bishop’s Year of Scripture Writings


“By contrast, the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace,
patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control”
(Galatians 5:22-23a).

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Sermon on the Mount

A Call to Discipleship

Welcome to 2019: The Year of Scripture. Our focus this year will be on God’s gift of Sacred Scripture. The Old and New Testaments are the written Word of God.  Inspired by the Holy Spirit speaking through their authors, they record and announce God’s revelation centering in Jesus Christ.  Through them the Holy Spirit creates and sustains Christian faith, life, and fellowship for service in the world.

During this Year of Scripture, we will aspire to grow as Christian disciples through three distinct practices:

  1. Bible Reading to form us through daily discipline and habit;
  2. Bible Reflection to help us to become fluent in the language of sacred scripture;
  3. Bible Study to lead us to know who God is and what God does.
Student Materials

Sermon on the Mount Student Materials (PDF) [Download]

Leader's Guides

Sermon on the Mount Leader’s Guide (PDF) [Download]

Council and Leadership Monthly Devotions

This Year of Scripture is an opportunity to receive the gift of the entire Bible through twelve Bible-based devotions especially suitable for monthly Congregation Council meetings. 

The 12 devotions are available to download below as an entire group or individually.


Entire 12 Devotions



Devotions by Pastor Kent Wilson



Devotions by Pastor Chris Young



Devotions by Pastor Rita Bair



Devotions by Pastor Janine Foster



Devotions by Pastor Doris Mars



Devotions by Ms. Brenda Gibson



Devotions by Deacon Jean Wise



Devotions by Pastor Kristin Hunsinger



Devotions by Pastor Laura Strietelmeier



Devotions by Mr. & Mrs. Scott & Connie Blackford



Devotions by Pastor Brian Haller



Devotions by Pastor Eric & Deacon Erin Bodenstab


Book of the


Book of the Year

Our Year of Scripture Book of the Year is A Compact Guide to the Whole Bible: Learning to Read Scripture’s Story. 2015. Edited by Robert W. Wall and David R. Neinhuis (Baker Academic Publishing). This very accessible book takes the reader through the entire narrative of God’s Word, with an emphasis on the “metanarrative” of the Biblical story. This small guide will be a great companion during the Year of Scripture, and a great resource for pastors, deacons, and lay leaders.

Book of the Year Review

Click here for a review of this book by Bishop Daniel G. Beaudoin

The Bible Project

Check out the Bible Project website for inspiring videos and podcasts. Here is the place where Visual Storytelling Meets the Bible. Click here to explore the site:



Synod Wide Read through the Bible in One Year

Bishop Beaudoin wants to encourage and challenge you to join with the rest of the Northwestern Ohio Synod and read through the entire Bible in One Year. Back in 2004 and 2012, the parishes he was serving read through the Bible in One Year as a community spiritual practice. Scripture is meant to be read in community, so please don’t do this alone.

The Bishop wants to invite you to form a number of small groups in your parish, who will gather weekly, 2x a month, or monthly (it’s really up to you), and commit to doing this spiritual practice together. If you do it alone, you’re going to get halfway into Leviticus, give up, and get mad. Don’t do that. Read together. Reflect together. Learn together. It is the best way. When you do this together, it will change the conversation and the culture of your parish.

Computer & Phone


Computer, Tablet or Phone Wallpaper

Put the Year of Scripture memory verse on your computer, your tablet or your phone the the memory verse wallpaper.