Synod Council
The Northwestern Ohio Synod Council is the board of directors of this synod and serves as its interim legislative authority between meetings of the synod assembly. Members of the Synod Council are elected at the annual Synod Assembly. Each member serves a term of three years, and may be reelected once.
Bishop Daniel Beaudoin, President
Nancy Yunker, Vice President
Michelle Schaffer, Secretary
Wendy Bauer
(2024, 1st Term – SW Conf., Lay)
Caitlin Brink
(2026, 1st Term – Central Conf., Lay)
Rev. Melanie Haack
(2024, 1st Term – NC Conf., Clergy)
Cindy Harris
(2026, 2nd Term – At-Large Lay)
Kathy Jurrus
(2026, 1st Term- At-Large-Lay))
Rev. Robin Owen
(2024, 1st Term – SW Conf., Clergy)
Rev. Brenda Peconge
(2025 1st Term – Toledo Conf., Clergy)
Clark Price
(2024, 1st Term – NC Conf., Lay)
Rev. Steve Ramsey
(2024 1st Term – Central Conf., Clergy)
Rev. Ashley Rosa-Ruggieri
(2026, 1st Term – MV Conf-RM)
Jillian Russell
(2025, 1st Term – SE Young Adult)
Michelle Schaffer
(2026; 2nd Term – Eastern Conf., Lay)
Deacon Carolyn Steinfeldt
(2026, 1st Term – Toledo Lay)
Kevin Swagler
2026, 1st Term – Toledo Lay)
Jerusha Walker
(2026, 1st Term – Southeast Lay)
Kelly Weber
(2025 1st Term – MV Conf., Lay)
Rodney West-Estell
(2024, 1st Term – Minority/non-English primary language)