“When you search for me, you will find me; if you seek me with all your heart,” (Jeremiah 29:13).
I have been thinking these past few weeks about the potential and purpose of core values. In 2019, I attended a conference at Trinity Lutheran Seminary in Columbus, Ohio. One of the conference presenters was Pastor Doug Hill of Abiding Hope Church in Littleton, Colorado. Pastor Doug spent time focusing on the need for parishes to develop and use guiding statements (mission, vision, and core values). His emphasis on core values intrigued me. Pastor Doug argued that common core values help define the character and culture of a parish.
The core values of Abiding Hope Church in Littleton, Colorado are:
- Authentic Worship
- Intentional Relationships
- Sacrificial Service
- Radical Generosity
Every mission and ministry endeavor at Abiding Hope Church is filtered through these four core values. Values are like a compass. They guide us to choose the proper path to take. Values can also serve as a home base and draw us back to who we are supposed to be.
Does your parish have a set of core values? If yes, how do those core values serve and guide the ministries and mission that God calls you to live. If no, how might a set of 3-4 core values be developed and put to use for ministry and mission?
One of the core values that the staff of the Northwestern Ohio Synod is fussing with is “curiosity”. I found a recent email by Seth Godin about curiosity to be intriguing… and true.
Furious and Curious
They rhyme, but they have opposite meanings. It’s very difficult to feel both emotions at the same time, and one is far more productive than the other.