“Ephesians 1:23 promises that when Christ returns, he will fill—or complete—all things. When Christians, as the body of Christ, start new Christian communities in the myriad domains of life, they signpost this future. They demonstrate that there is no sphere where Christ and his church cannot make their home.”
Rev. Dr. Michael Moynagh and Rev. Dr. Michael Adam Beck The 21st Century Christian: Following Jesus Where Life Happens (Manuscript)

As we enter into 2021, there is great hope for what the future holds for our families, our churches, and our communities. Here at the Northwestern Ohio Synod, we are filled with hope about what it means to journey together in this new year, continuing a moment of disciple-making that began with Jesus and has been entrusted to us as we follow Him On The Way.
On the Way is a movement that seeks simple and everyday opportunities to connect with our neighbors who are currently not connected to any faith community. This is a movement of new relationships formed in the sacred spaces that exist beyond our church walls, where Jesus dwells and welcomes us all to witness, worship, and walk together On the Way, for the renewal of Northwestern Ohio and the world.
Will you support this mission today? We have less than 72 hours left to reach our goal of raising $52,020 by year-end.
Your tax-deductible contribution will fund the equipping of leaders who go beyond church walls to engage our neighbors in faith-filled community in all domains of life.
Your gift today funds:
- 18-month class of 33 lay and rostered leaders who are guiding their communities in reaching out beyond the walls of their churches
- Synod-wide workshops on contextual intelligence, listening for mission, evangelism, and discipleship in our neighborhoods
- Microgrants, coaching and support for new ministries
Making a tax-deductible gift online at https://onrealm.org/nwoselca/-/give/now is easy and secure. Checks may also be mailed to checks may be sent to
Northwestern Ohio Synod 621 Bright Road
Findlay, OH 45840
note On the Way on the memo line
Thank you for your generous support throughout 2020, our Year of Mission. We are confident of the Holy Spirit’s guidance into this faithful future where we continue to make disciples, equip leaders, strengthen parishes and nurture new communities for the renewal of Northwestern Ohio and the world!