At the first (virtual) meeting of the Innovator Learning Academy in November, we engaged in an exercise that measured values of importance to the class. The more often a value was mentioned, the larger it grew on the word bubble representation of responses. Creativity—central to the process of innovating. Joy—a deep fruit of the Spirit. Grace—an essential value for a group of Lutherans gathered to imagine discipleship in our communities!

And the value that makes all this possible? Generosity—today we reflect on the value of generosity, which makes it possible for the people of God to resource new dreams given by the Spirit, for the renewal of our world. Many values important to us can find a root in generosity, offering us many ways to be generous in our communities.
Today is Giving Tuesday!
Giving Tuesday as an annual practice of giving, strives to build a world in which the catalytic power of generosity is at the heart of the communities we build together; deepening relationships and furthering opportunities for organizations to make an impact.
Please give to fund the mission of the Northwestern Ohio Synod today! Our 2020 Giving Tuesday challenge is to match the gifts that Bishop Daniel and the Seven Conference Deans have committed to the On the Way year-end campaign. That amount currently stands at $4050. Will you give a gift to help us match $4050 on this Giving Tuesday?
Your gift today funds:
- 18-month class of 33 lay and rostered leaders who are guiding their communities in reaching out beyond the walls of their churches
- Synod-wide workshops on contextual intelligence, listening for mission, evangelism and discipleship in our neighborhoods
- Microgrants, coaching and support for new ministries