“In our increasingly post-Christian culture it is imperative that the church reclaim its missional roots and that we innovate new ways to take the Kingdom of God to the world.” -Pastor Tom Schaeffer

This past week, the very first class of the Innovator Learning Academy came together virtually to dream about where the Holy Spirit might be calling us to reach out. Thirty-two talented rostered and lay leaders make up this gifted group of folks who have a heart for their neighbors, and a passion to take discipleship beyond the walls of our church buildings. As we began our journey together on the way, we talked a lot about our shoes. In considering the skill-building and practice that is to come, it became clear that we are going to need some comfortable, sturdy shoes. Our time together in the Innovator Learning Academy will be a place where we can lace up our shoes, check for best fit and proper support, before heading out the door to begin the miles and miles of walking—putting sneakers on our mission of taking the Kingdom of God to the world.

In what ways do you imagine lacing up your shoes to take the Kingdom of God to the world? What is the work of the church beyond its stained-glass walls?