“He heals the brokenhearted, and binds up their wounds” (Psalm 147:3)

As the number of COVID 19 cases continue to rise across Northwestern Ohio and the nation, I am mindful of God’s promise to heal and renew. God, through the crucified and risen Jesus is in the business of renewing all things. And God does much of that healing and renewal through us.
Today, I am mindful of doctors, nurses, and all medical professionals who are serving through this worldwide pandemic with great courage and compassion. Often placing themselves in harm’s way in order to bring their patients hope and healing. Medicine is a noble vocation and we are grateful for all of those who have answered that specific call to serve.
Please take a moment today to pray a prayer of thanksgiving for all of those who serve in the medical field, especially as the need in our medical facilities and hospitals continues to grow.
Today, I am also reminded of St. Elizabeth of Hungary (died 1231), a renewer of society, and a follower of Jesus who answered the call to heal and renew.
St. Elizabeth of Hungary died November 17, 1231. This Hungarian princess lived her entire life in east-central Germany and is often called Elizabeth of Thuringia. Married to a duke, she gave large sums of money, including her dowry, for relief of the poor and sick. She founded hospitals, cared for orphans, and used the royal food supplies to feed the hungry. Though she had the support of her husband, her generosity and charity did not earn her friends within the royal court. At the death of her husband, she was driven out. She joined a Franciscan order and continued her charitable work, though she suffered abuse at the hands of her confessor and spiritual guide. Her lifetime of charity is particularly remarkable when one remembers that she died at the age of twenty-four. She founded two hospitals, and many more are named for her. (Sundays and Seasons Year: A 2020 page 308).
A Prayer for Health Care Providers
Let us pray, Merciful God, your healing power is everywhere about us. Strengthen those who work among the sick; give them courage and confidence in all they do. Encourage them when their efforts seem futile or when death prevails. Increase their trust in your power even to overcome death and pain and crying. May they be thankful for every sign of health you give, and humble before the mystery of your healing grace; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. (Evangelical Lutheran Worship page 85).