Our focus this year will be on the Mission of God.
God has a mission, and God’s mission has a church. In Scripture, we encounter the Triune God working to restore and renew all things. The Bible begins with creation and ends with the promise of a new creation. The Triune God is working to renew everyone and everything and invites us to participate. The mission of the Northwestern Ohio Synod is a participatory mission:
Sent by the Crucified and Risen Jesus to
Make Disciples, Equip Leaders, Strengthen Parishes, and Launch New Communities
for the Renewal of Northwestern Ohio and the World.
During 2020: The Year of Mission, we will aspire to grow as we participate in God’s Mission through three distinct practices:
- To discern the Mission of God through prayer, Scripture, and sacred conversation;
- To align the identity and work of God’s people and parishes with the Mission of God;
- To participate in the Mission of God for the renewal of Northwest Ohio and the world.
To guide us through this Year of Mission, we will be utilizing a few resources:
Bible Study:
The Book of Acts (Participating in God’s Mission)
The 2020 Bible Study will help you and your community to dive deep into the Book of Acts.
Use this 6-week study during the season of Lent, a weekly coffee house gathering, or with a group of friends. Wherever and whenever you gather, we encourage you to do so outside of the four walls of your church.
Book of the Year:
A Field Guide for the Missional Congregation
This book by Rick Rouse and Craig Van Gelder is a practical guide that helps parishes embark on a journey of transformation.
It functions well as a yearlong study or as layout for a retreat with your church staff and council. Moving beyond the theoretical and into the practical, “A Field Guide for the Missional Congregation” will be an excellent resource as we journey through the Year of Mission together.