Dear Friends in Christ,

“In him the whole structure is joined together and grows into a holy temple in the Lord; in whom you also are built together spiritually into a dwelling place for God” (Ephesians 2:21-22).

The Porch Is Finished!

Many of you have asked about the status of the front porch project that I started back in June. With such nice weather these past few days, I was able to finish up a few small details. When the treated posts dry out this coming summer, I will paint them with a solid color stain to match the rest of the porch. Like many of you, I take great satisfaction in a task that is finished. Unfinished projects linger on my to-do list and in my mind.

In Ephesians chapter 2, Paul writes about the God given task (or opportunity) we all have to grow together spiritually.  That as a community of faith, we will be joined together and built together into a dwelling place for God.  You might recall that I had to replace my front porch because the foundation was cracked, which caused the roof to sag.

Too many of our parishes are struggling because there is not a firm foundation upon which to build. We know that the crucified and risen Jesus is the cornerstone upon whom God builds, and the teachings of the apostles and prophets are foundational (Ephesians 2:20).  What is missing in too many of our parishes are the other stones that help hold it all together: daily prayer, daily reflection on Scripture, Bible study, weekly worship, sacrificial giving, evangelical witness, and loving service. These practices are some of the living stones that help us to grow and bring the community of faith together.

So, how are you, and how is your parish building a dwelling place for God?